Thanksgiving Recap

Yes, I know we are in to December already....but computer problems and family fun/busyness have pushed back the recap. Speaking of computers, I am on the lookout for a new one...What kind do you have?

Thanksgiving Break, both boys home= cat cuddles, book reading, football and waiting for dad to get home so we could head North 2 hours to my parents house for Thanksgiving...

 Anytime family is home, there are always card games involved
 Thanksgiving was hard without my Grandpa there this year...he was such a prescence in all our lives...I am so thankful and blessed that our family is so close and supportive.
First place Bryson went to was Grandpa's did I ... 
 After a delicious, fun filled Thanksgiving, my sisters and I continued our the Black Friday tradition and hit the road at 3:30am.  We love that lines, no fights, easy peasy.   I actually got a few presents this year which was nice.

 After Thanksgiving Christmas decorating.  My mom is short but her tree she got is really tall.
 Since family was home, we threw in a birthday party for my niece and nephew..if you follow me on snapchat (cswfityoga) you would of seen my sister belting out Adele's hello with my nieces new Karoke toy...if you didn't see it, you missed out on some good laughs...
 Man I love this kid....everything......
 And per every year, we moved the cattle when we returned from my parent's early Saturday morning....I think for the most part they cooperated.  The guys all head out while I decorate for Christmas...that post coming tomorrow....I love how the house is turning out..

Well there you have it.  I hope your Thanksgiving was fabulous and that your December is off to a good start.


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