Cha Cha Changes

Hey all!  Long time no post...but life has been busy and so have I...First things first...I am transitioning...changing...making more work my blogging...I will continue here with my fitness related stuff...there will be more informative posts, more workouts, and more recipes...however, since I am going to use this for my fitness business I am pushing the family goodness back to my first blog The Wetjen Way.  There my focus will be on our family adventures, farm fun, and all that jazz...I hope you will hop over and subscribe...I know, I know...just what you need in your reader..another blog.. but I did just write a post over there about my Induction into the Hall of Fame at my college so you could see how much fun we had that weekend:)

So there is my happenings with bloglife...and here are some workouts that I loved/hated over the week...

These look like fun don't they...

So again..if you like to read about my family life please subscribe to TheWetjenWay..and if you don't then stay put and you will continue to get posts here! 



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