Group Workout and Weekend Recap

Another great weekend has come and gone.  We had nothing on the agenda but a long list of honey "can we do this" projects, and for the most part they are all done.  Finishing up a few things tonight and then I will post pictures.  Saturday we needed to head to Iowa City to get supplies for above mentioned projects and I had to return things that were piling up in my "return to store" box, so family fun day commenced after a great workout. 
 No family fun day is complete without a trip on the merry go round at the mall.  Poor Kyle has to take them since I get motion sickness very very easy. 
 My cuties..and it was camo day...because whatever Bubba wears Big E has to wear
Sunday was spent cleaning and organizing. I was on a mission.  I organized dressers, under sinks, my pantry, coat closets, shoe storage.  I was on a mission...but it feels good to purge some items that I was hanging on to "because I thought I might wear them"

My cousin Kate is once again with us this week to finish up her job shadowing practicum with me.  I wanted her time to be fun so I put together a tabata group workout for her, Kyle, and I to do.  She absolutely loved it...especially the toe to bar segment..I started with Set #1, Kate #2, and Kyle #3.  30 seconds each exercise with 15 second rest...repeat exercise 6 times and then move onto next exercise in set.  Rotate after set is completed. 

Both my boys have birthdays in February and Bubba has asked for a Hawkeye room so since Kate is here for a couple of days, I am putting her to work asking nicely for her help, and we are painting his room.  I am excited to see it done and he is excited for it to be done.  I will be taking pictures throughout the process.  I wish I could snap my fingers and it be done. 

Were is that easy button I see on T.V. all the time?


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