Holiday Hoopla Part 1

This post here begins a series of posts....of which include 3 Christmas' forewarning, lots of family fun, lots of chaos, and pictures!

Christmas Eve my parents came to our house this year to watch Bubba in his church Christmas program and to spend Christmas morning with my family and stink eye sister #2's family..

After getting off work at noon, I headed to the grocery store for some last minute things.  My parents were already at our house so we started cooking away for Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning.  I made Zuppa Soup and Hearth Bread Sandwiches for Christmas Eve while my mom worked on our breakfast casseroles for Christmas morning. (FYI I have no food pictures, we were too busy enjoying the food and the conversation)
I enlisted Bubba to take a picture in the middle of his football game, obviously his focus was on the game and not on us!!

Christmas Eve

My handsome boys

and yes I am aware that the ties should be underneath the sweaters but they wanted to show them off so they wore them on the outside...
Grandpa and Grandma
Family Picture time
My niece Landry...I could not stop taking pictures of her...that face is too cute..
Sorry for the blurry picture...I think Big E was climbing up my lap..again..and I got out of focus..
Santa visited our house....

The unwrapping......

Those smiles are what makes all the shopping, all the crowds, and chaos all worth it...the look on their faces is priceless and I am relishing every minute...

Stay tuned for Part 2


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