Sunday Meal Prep

What a difference meal prepping on Sunday makes! I love knowing what is going on each day/night of the week in terms of meals.

1. When we get home, healthy, nutritious meals are put together and we aren't reaching for something "quick and fast"

2. I work full time so I want to spend as much time with my guys at night as possible.  School nights are early bed nights so time is precious!

3.  Save money on the grocery bill.  I shop what is on my list and that is it.....I know "budgetwise" what my bill is going to be approximately and I can coupon cut to save too!

Here is what is on our menu this week for meals and what meal prep I did on the weekend

Monday: Grilled Shrimp with Parslied Red Potatoes
Tuesday:Crock Pot Chicken Tacos
Wednesday: Football Playoff Night, filling our bodies with Zuppa Soup
Thursday: Trick or Treating...we always end up at my husband's grandparents house for pizza with the cousins
Friday: Bison Burgers with Sweet Potato Fries
Saturday: Boys get to pick
Sunday: Turkey Bolognese with Pasta(for the boys)

 What I prepped on Sunday:
1. Quinoa Breakfast Power Bars
2. Chicken Breasts
3. Nutzzo Protein Balls
4. Quinoa in the pressure cooker
5. Roasted Kabocha squash
6. Roasted broccoli
7. Defrosting Shrimp
8. Sliced turkey breast for weekday sandwhiches and turkey bolognese
9. Quinoa for bars and weekly lunches
10. Defrosting whole chicken for chicken tacos

Obviously, plans can change, things can come up at night, but at least we have an agenda!
Do you meal prep? What is your favorite or constant thing every week?

Mine would have to be chicken breasts, thighs, or whole....


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