Meal Planning for this week

I got a lot of meal planning done this weekend, some on Saturday, some on Sunday but we are going to be set for this week of meals, everything is either prepared or ready to be prepared.....throwing things in the crockpot is the easiest thing ever! 

We are still in football mode during the weeks here so the less time I have to spend in the kitchen at night the better...

Monday: Sirloin Steak Strips and Stirfry
Tuesday: Chicken Bacon Alfredo(PaleOMG)
Wednesday: Dinner with friends(yes I do have some)
Thursday: Pulled Pork Hawaiian Pizza Salad(PaleOMG)
Friday: Shredded Beef Fajitas
Saturday: Boy's choice
Sunday: Soup Sunday: Chili


What is your favorite crockpot soup?


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