Hold the phone he's got a cannon and Squat Cleans

I love school mornings when I get to wait for the bus with Bubba...we check on the chickens, feed the animals, and play football.  It is amazing to me how much he is has improved throughout the year, he might just be the next Troy Aikman (yes I am a true Cowboys fan)!
Yesterday I put together a "backpack" shoulder workout to tie in with the back to school theme.  Those book bags get pretty heavy strong shoulders and backs are required!

I was feeling energetic so I thought I would hit up a Crossfit class that day too.

Warm Up with some joint mobility
BB shrugs, high pulls, hang cleans 4x3

5 minutes each set, amrap
A1. Ring Rows x8                      B1. American KB Swings x 15     C1, 2,3 Cardio of Choice
A2. Situps x 15                        B2. Spiderman/Crab Walk d&b
A3. Squat Cleans x4 (heavy)      B3. Run x2 d&b

I love squat cleans!

Things I need to work on when doing these...
1. Keep my elbows high
2. Keep the bar close to my body on the way up

So today is my Friday again(I sure am loving these short work weeks). We are heading to Nebraska for my cousin's wedding. We are taking the kids up early so we can swim, play, and hang out and not be so rushed on Saturday. ---------------------- What are your weekend plans?


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