Last night of baseball and supersetting legs

Last night was our last night of baseball...I am quite sad about this, I love watching Bubba play and see how he improves each game and I love hanging out at the baseball fields on Iowa summer nights

It will be nice to have 2 of our 5 nights back though

Man I love that smile....and that sweat...just like his mom
 My mom and Aunt made the trek down to watch B
 Big E got his medal too
 Team Picture time..
 Coach Kyle huddle time...
 What a great year of baseball...a big thanks goes to all the coaches who helped, instructed and remained patient throughout the season.

Kyle and I woke up bright and early as usual this morning...on tap
Leg Supersets
Pre-Workout fuel...Prosculpt
Post Workout Refuel...2 eggs, avocado, bacon

How are your goals going for the summer?  Tell me some of your successes!


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