
That's the best title I could come up with for this....I asked him to smile, his exact words
"mom, I am doing my tough look"
even when he is doing his tough look, he still looks so darn cute

It was such a great night for B wrestling, he is really starting to pick up on "moves" and having fun with it...
I, however, am not that well versed in "wrestling slang" so I try to yell things out that sound wrestling.....:)

Big E faired well at the wresting meet up until the last round,
then he was past his bedtime,
and he was 22 month old with a need to run....
we were packed like sardines in the stands...
(our town is trying to pass a vote for a new gym...we are in desperate need, cross your fingers)

The boys and I got home around 8:30, and Kyle had to stay and ref the older kids
Bubba showered up and Big E crashed the instant I put him in bed

I continue to watch Christmas movies, so I hopped in bed with some magazines and Home Alone and relaxed the rest of the night...

5:30a.m. Bootcamp wake up call....

I am seriously loving the almond flour banana bread I made
( I will post the recipe today)

Slice o' Banana Bread
Scrambled Eggs with Ketchup
I had never tried ketchup on my scrambled eggs and then it was mentioned in the blogiverse and I have been hooked ever since...

I am off to work, I love two day work weeks.  
We have nothing on the schedule for this weekend except for some family time deep cleaning the house...
you want to live with me don't you....
..and we are hosting our Annual New Year's Eve Party and I have a few "projects I would like completed"


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