Fruit "Nog" Smoothie

While I was making a "quick" milk run at the store

I spied with my bionic eye....

It was on sale, I was curious, so I picked it up...

SO GLAD I is so good. 

I am not a huge "nog" fan like my dad, who could drink it by the gallon, but I do like to partake for the holiday season...

This stuff was not heavy like other brands, and it had a great "nog" taste...

I am already planning recipes with this holiday elixir...

"Nog Pancakes", "Nog" Cookies, and on and on and on...............

I do know that they also have a chocolate mint holiday flavor that I am going to swoop up and try!       

So beings that I really liked this stuff I wanted to use it in a smoothie this morning.

Of course, I started my morning off with a little Bootcamp

 I had "dawn" syndrome, an inside joke, but let's say I kept skipping over exercises and they had to remind me to do them first...

I kept trying to skip ab exercises, when I need them the most, must of just wanted to get to the cardio part:)


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