Whew...what a weekend

Here is our weekend, a fast recap in not so many words but a lot of pictures.....

Friday: I took the tenants at my facility to the Amana Colonies for Oktoberfest. ..#lovemyjobmostdays

christmas room...
chocolate haus...
oh my....

 Some eats for the weekend...I got these beef strips from costco and they are so handy to take out and heat up for a protein packed lunch on the go...which I did for the football game..I paired it with sweet potates, kyle had his on a wrap....bacon and eggs for breakfast, and Quest Protein bars to review...first review...yummy!
Friday: Bootcamp
Saturday: rest day since we had about 18 thousand things going on
Sunday: A great 6 mile interval/speed/tempo workout on the treadmill during nap time...finished off with some chest and triceps weight work
 Flag Football, Farming, and a baby shower

 Piling in the combine with dad

A girls got to look good while farming

Saturday night couple's shower for my sister and brother in law, I was taking pictures for her so this is the only one I got....


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