NUUN All Day, Every Day...

Fact: I sweat A LOT, especially now that I have really picked up my crossfit workouts, I even think crossfit and I sweat:) see pictures below..........

Fact: I don't have to be working out to sweat (golfing in 104 degree heat) ( had my NUUN with me on the cart)

Fact: Sweating=loss of fluids=dehydration
Fact: Sometimes drinking plain water is BORING but you know you need to drink water to rehydrate!!!
Solution:  NUUN ALL Day 

"Helps you drink more water every day with crisp and refreshing flavors and is enhanced with an all-natural blend of vitamins and minerals making it perfect for your daily routine"

After my workouts, I grab a water bottle, a tab of NUUN All Day and out the door I go....I keep a "spare" container in my purse for when I am at work and need water "pick me up"

Both of my kids love NUUN, this little one here stole my bottle and kept it for himself!

I highly recommend NUUN for all your hydration tastes great, I don't have to worry about sugar content...and it is portable...

Have you tried NUUN?  What are your favorite flavors?
I am all out of my Active Hydration so I will be restocking that ASAP! See that post here.

The people at NUUN were gracious enough to send me ALL DAY Nuun to try.  I thank them very much for introducing me to such a great product!


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