A Day in the Life of me...

Forewarn you, this could get exciting....boring

5 a.m. ALARM CLOCK GOES OFF, head to the kitchen to grab either GNC  #prosculpt or #metaignite for the upcoming Bootcamp class at 5:30a.m.

5:15a.m., Start the bike ride into town for class...nosh on half of my homemade larabars (video recipe to come), I have gotten good at biking with one hand

5:30a.m. BOOTCAMP
6a.m. Bike home
6am-6:45am Get this mug prettied up for work
<-----From this to this----> 
6:45a.m. Wake these two little cuties up , and head out to daycare and work
 7:30a.m. to 4...work, work, work.....planning next month's wellness calendar, teaching classes, etc...
4p.m. Head home to pickup aformentioned little cuties from daycare
4:30 p.m.   Home time which can involve working in the garden, baseball games for the month of June, playing outside, swimming, taking rides on the four-wheeler, swinging, etc....I also make supper, take my #physioburn, we eat during this time...multitasker...heck yeah....
7p..m..  The littlest is usually ready for bed about this time, so down he goes, the rest of us go back outside, I try to get a strength or crossfit workout in while guys are fixing, planting, or doing farm work...
9ish p.m. when all the dishes are done and the house is picked up, this is what I have been occupying myself with....late at night ......on my porch....in my chaise.....
Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades Trilogy #1)
...don't judge....I can't put the books down...I am on the last one, and I am sad that Christian and I won't have these nights together anymore....

So there you have it, I drift off to sleep somewhere around 11 and start the whole process over....

P.S. That whooshing sound was the 2 minutes of your life you will never get back having read all that.  :)
P.S.S. Freaking love my life....
P.S.S.S Love blogging and am so thankful for everyone I have met! 

Have you read 50 shades?...who do you think will play Christian in the movie?  There is no one, the vision in my mind cannot be recreated.....


  1. wow your day makes me tired! You ar ea beast!

  2. You seriously made me tired. I am NOT a morning person..at all! I wish I could be!

    1. I am a total morning person...which works in my favor!

  3. I love posts like this this - Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. i can't wait to see your larabar recipes! and yes, the couch, looks perfect with a book!


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