Tuesday Trainer submission...Be Adventurous

Janeetha at Meals and Moves has this going on.......(per her blog)

april is dedicated to being adventurous! trying new exercises, eating new foods, testing different trends, making new friends, and anything else that is a NEW adventure for you.
the way it works is simple.. you just get out there and do something you wouldn’t usually do, then report back to me. i challenge each of you to try at least ONE new thing each week. and by new thing i mean ANYTHING. these things can big or small–just as long as you are putting your adventure pants on and taking a step out of your comfort zone.
some examples:
  • pick up a new-to-you food on your next grocery run
  • try a new machine at the gym
  • go sky diving
  • give a new cooking method a shot
  • take a fitness class you’d usually not be caught dead in
  • volunteer somewhere
  • try making something with yeast (scary)
So Lindsay over at Lindsay's List decided to make this weeks Tuesday Trainer an Adventurous one too! Check out all the great submissions!
Here is mine............


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