Weekly Meal Plans

Meals for this week- January 30th -February 5th

Monday- Beef and Broccoli Rabe Penne

Tuesday- Kyle and I have a date night( we are trying to schedule one at least once a month..you know when we can actually sit and talk to each other sans kids)

Wednesday- I have volleyball so it is a Crock Pot meal for the boys...Crock Pot Spinach and Chicken

Thursday- Open Face Phillysteak Sandwhiches  (preparing and freezing Salsa Verde Chicken for boys on Friday night)

 Friday- I have a Yoga Intensive Course this weekend again so the boys will be eating Salsa Verde Chicken tonight

 Saturday- Yoga for me again, but I am requesting Breakfast for Supper...So Spanish Scramble it is...

Sunday- Yoga all day,  but I am putting Chicken Wings in the crockpot for the SuperBowl and some other little "snacky" items....we don't have any plans for the SuperBowl, which I am not too sad about, because I don't really care for the teams that are in it and don't care who wins!:)


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