Friday Fitness Recap

I got the idea from Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean on recapping my workouts for the week.  So, after every workout, I enter it into my handy dandy computer so it will be waiting for me to publish on Friday...(or that is how it is supposed to work, more than likely I am entering this in at midnight on Thursday night:))

                                                             Saturday Morning:
Husband and I did a sweaty, oh my legs feel it now..... and two days later, Tabata workout( the internet is chock full of so many different exercises you can pull from, that is why I love Tabatas!


20 second each exercise with 10 second rest, we did each tabata twice
Ex: Start with Tabata 1, 20 side shuffle, rest 10, burpees 20 second, rest 10, squat to knee up 20 second, rest 10, jump rope 20 second, rest.....repeat....then move on to Tabata 2, 3, 4, and so on....
This is under 30 minutes but it will leave you hurting and exhausted...enjoy!

 I got a nice 6 mile run in on the treadmill while the hubby and 4 year old were sledding and almost 1 year old was sleeping.

Bootcamp Class: 30 minutes Interval Training
30 minutes Fat Loss setting on Elliptical

Bootcamp Class: 30 minutes Interval Training

Bootcamp Class: 30 minutes Interval Training
30 minutes on treadmill, increasing speed every minute
6.0, 6.5,7.0,7.5,8.0,8.5,8.0,7.5,7.0,6.5,6.0, 2minutes at 5.5., then repeat sequence
(makes the time go fast)
4.5 miles on the treadmill, walked at 10%incline for 5 minutes, then jogged at 6.5 at 4% incline for 20 minutes, then walked for 5 minutes, and jogged the rest.....

Bootcamp Class: 30 minutes Interval Training
Mini Trampoline Workout-30 minutes(1 minute intervals with 10 second rest)
-Twists                                                                                     -Butt Kicks
rest                                                                                             rest                    
-High Knees                                                                             -Front Kicks
rest                                                                                            rest                    
-Double Jumps                                                                      - Knee lifts with shoulder-knee touch
rest                                                                                            rest                    
-Heisman Wide High Knees                                                  -Fast feet
rest                                                                                            rest                  

The hubby should be kind of scared of the Tabata workout I have in store for us tomorrow.  She is going to be a doozy!
Did you stay active this week?   


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