Crockpot Clean Eating Mexican Chicken

Last nights super was delish and I had to share the recipe, you will not believe how easy it was.

1. Get your crock pot out.
2. Pour 1 cup low sodium chicken broth in the bottom
3.  Add a 1/4 cup of taco seasoning...I made The Gracious Pantry clean eating taco seasoning and modified it to my liking(not some much hot stuff!)
4. Mix all that together in the crock pot
5. Lay 4 chicken breasts as flat as possible in the chicken broth and seasoning mixture, I stirred it around to get the juices on the chicken breast a little bit
6.  Set it on high for 8 hours and go to work(if I stayed home, I wish, I would flip the chicken at about 4 hours but it doesn't matter if you don't)

 Got home(chicken was cooked to perfection) and started to finish up supper.  I probably could of combined these ingredients and not had to do anymore preparation  but my crockpot sometimes has a mind of its own and I didn't want things charred.

1. Cooked up 1 cup of brown rice
2. Heated some black beans
3. Heated up some frozen sweet corn from this year's crop(nothing better than fresh or frozen corn on the cob)
4. Fresh Salsa from the husband makes the best homemade salsa ever, and he knows that I am, for lack of a better word, a wimp when it comes to hot stuff so he makes it nice and mild for me. 

Brown Rice
Shredded chicken
Black Beans
                                                   (Insert bugle playing da da da da here!)


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