An at home gym

I have had some requests for "at home gym" equipment suggestions for those who didn't want to fork out the money for a gym membership during the summer months.  Here are my top 5 things that I have at my house that I utilize all the time and can give you a great workout.

1.  Resistance Bands($15)  These bands come in varying tensions and are perfect to compliment your strength training routine.  This band can be utilized with squats, lat raises, bicep curls, the list goes on and on.  Another perk...... traveling for work?...throw one in your suitcase!

2.  Dumbbells($1per pound)  We all know a strength program is necessary for building long, lean, sexy muscles, which in turn keeps the fat burning fire working around the clock.  With dumbbells you are constantly working to stabilize the muscles that you don't get from working on a machine.  Go out and grab some 5lb or 8lbs depending on your level of fitness and get pumping!

3.  Yoga Mat($10-$20) Not only do I love Yoga and suggest it as a daily morning wake up or afternoon energizer but the mat serves as a great place to do crunches and any other floor exercises. 

4. Stability Ball($20)  This ball can be used for so many different things, I don't even know where to start.  Almost anything you can do on a workout bench can be done with a stability ball.  Core exercises, dumbbell work, etc.  And as a added perk, because of the stabilizing work with the ball you can burn more calories in a workout!  

5.  Lastly, we have the Jump Rope($8-$15)  Why do I love the jump rope? Because jumping for around 15 minutes at moderate intensity can burn a whopping 150 calories and gets the ole heart a pumpin!

6. Lastly, your own body weight:)  Your body is such an effective tool to use whether it be through pushups, burpees, or any other cardio workout, your body fighting gravity makes it quite the fat burning machine!

I hope these give you some good ideas to jump start your fitness regime at home!  Have a  great day!


  1. Thanks Casey! I have all but one at I just need to get my butt in gear and use them.

  2. Great post! Found you on HLB. These are some of my must-haves, too!

  3. Yea for your featured post! Awesome! I agree with all your suggestions...just wish I had more room in my NYC apartment!

  4. Saw your post on HLB. I also recommend having an ab wheel. It's cheap and very effective for ab workouts.


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