Now offering Personal Training, Yoga, and Nutrition Consultations

                                        (Insert really cool logo and title in here, still to come)

I was asked to offer consultations for my Yoga Therapy and thought why not add Personal Training and Nutrition into it as well, and so here we go. I am offering monthly consultations via email, 1:1, phone, whichever you prefer.  75.00 a month, for weekly Personal Training Workouts,Nutrition Consult, or Yoga Therapy/Workouts.  These can be combined for an additional fee, but that is what we would cover in our first intial consultation.  I am still working out the kinks so please be patient.  Also, please remember, I am not a doctor.  I do not intend to prescribe, diagnose, or treat any disease. I am just using my training and certifications to CONSULT you and guide you on your PATH TO HEALTH and WELLNESS.


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