Well it is about time....

I haven't done on a blog on here for quite a while. Sorry about that. I know you were all just waiting in anticipation for my next one...haha...anywhoo..we have just been super busy with baseball, life in general and I have been working really hard on my fitness blog http://www.dailydoseoffit.blogspot.com/.  I was recently asked to be a featured publisher for foodbuzz.com. I am quite honored.  It is pretty neat and I am super excited. 

Just going to post a couple of pictures. I promise to my family that I am going to get some video up here of Bryson playing baseball and running the track at the Rememberance race.  I just have to figure out what I am going to use to edit my video so it is not so long...once again, when I have a free moment. 

By the way, Bryson wanted me to put on here that he has the BEST dad in the whole world and we LOVE him very much!  I also have the BEST DAD IN THE WORLD and am so thankful I was blessed with such wonderful parents!

A shot of B and I at the pool.  We actually go to go on a Saturday afternoon. Soaked up some sun, played in the water, went down the slide, played with friends...busy busy.

This weekend we get to head home to Parkersburg to celebrate my neice Peyton's birthday.  Then we spend the Saturday watching Chuckwagon Races, eating Butler County fair food(there goes the diet), and catching another rabbit in the rabbit scramble....should prove to be another interesting weekend. 


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