Vegas...... ready or not, here we come!  Plane leaves at 9 tonight and we get back around 7:30 on Monday.  This is going to be one fast and furious trip, but I plan on coming back all bronzed (temperature out there right now is about 90 and little humidity)  and billions richer(don't know if I can come back billions richer when I only play about $20 worth).  Thanks to my family for taking care of my little man. I want to bawl since I know I will be leaving him....but Aunt Nicole says she will beat me if I cry in front of him and make him I will try to refrain.  He is so excited for his buddy weekend with Nicole, Peyton, Jenzen, Grandma and Grandpa, and Debbie!  He will have so much fun he won't even miss me!
Have a great weekend!


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