My fashion trendsetter

Let me just start this post off with my sons choice of pajamas last night. He throws caution to the wind, dismisses any rules about matching and puts together! I was at a loss for words

Now, that you have been fashion enlightened, onto our weekend. Thursday I got a call from Bryson's daycare saying he was complaining of neck pain, so instantly I went into panic mode, like any mother would. Took him to the doctor. His first ever ear infection. I was glad that it could be cleared up with some medicine but mad that our streak was over. Spent the rest of Thursday with B at home watching Christmas movies and snuggled in front of the fire. Friday, went into work for a couple of hours while Kyle stayed home with B, then came home and again, snuggled with B and watched Christmas movies. Also, got a TON of laundry done and cleaning while he was napping.

Saturday, I got to spend the morning with some ladies at a baby shower for my friend, and old college roomate Lindsay. She looked amazing and we had a great time. Saturday night Bryson got to go to his Grandma and Grandpas while dad and mom went out with some AMAZING friends Wow, I spent most of the night laughing so hard my cheeks and abs hurt the next day. 2 am and a few games of sequence later(women victorious with a come from behind win) and i was beat.

Sunday, Kyle attempted to put Christmas lights on the house. I kid you not, brand new strings of lights, he would put them up, they would go out. He was not happy. Hopefully we will get them up by this weekend:)

Sorry so long, just a lot of stuff. I cannot believe it is going to be Thanksgiving next week. Wow.


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