My fashion trendsetter
Now, that you have been fashion enlightened, onto our weekend. Thursday I got a call from Bryson's daycare saying he was complaining of neck pain, so instantly I went into panic mode, like any mother would. Took him to the doctor. His first ever ear infection. I was glad that it could be cleared up with some medicine but mad that our streak was over. Spent the rest of Thursday with B at home watching Christmas movies and snuggled in front of the fire. Friday, went into work for a couple of hours while Kyle stayed home with B, then came home and again, snuggled with B and watched Christmas movies. Also, got a TON of laundry done and cleaning while he was napping.
Saturday, I got to spend the morning with some ladies at a baby shower for my friend, and old college roomate Lindsay. She looked amazing and we had a great time. Saturday night Bryson got to go to his Grandma and Grandpas while dad and mom went out with some AMAZING friends Wow, I spent most of the night laughing so hard my cheeks and abs hurt the next day. 2 am and a few games of sequence later(women victorious with a come from behind win) and i was beat.
Sunday, Kyle attempted to put Christmas lights on the house. I kid you not, brand new strings of lights, he would put them up, they would go out. He was not happy. Hopefully we will get them up by this weekend:)
Sorry so long, just a lot of stuff. I cannot believe it is going to be Thanksgiving next week. Wow.
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