Tuesday Trainer-Tabatas

 I linked up with Lindsay @ Lindsay's List for her Tuesday Trainer segment.  I am finding I really, really love doing videos and have been jotting down ideas for more videos in the future....here was my submission for this Tuesday...our focus Tabatas

Tabata intervals follow this structure:

  • Push hard for 20 seconds
  • Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat this eight times. 
This might not seem like much but it is SUPERB workout...and it burns, it hurts, it sweats...and I love it.   Check out a couple of my tabatas here and here....

I realize my meal planning segments have mysteriously disappeared but the past two weeks have been the.... get home and play outside and  enjoy the nice weather then come inside throw something together....kind of nights.  I am however, getting back on track and will have a post this afternoon!  Have a great day!


  1. Love love love it! Will be adding some of these to my weekly workouts...I'm a runner and training for a half in September and I need some cross training ideas besides biking and elliptical...again thanks for sharing, blessings. Following you now for sure. Please take a minute to swing by my new running blog all about surviving cancer to becoming a runner...

  2. Thanks Shannon and I am training for a half marathon and an obstacle course run so I love switching things up. Thanks for the kind words and I will be sure to check out your blog!

  3. Thanks for the video. I admit, the girls at my gym (complain) talk about tabatas and I was too embarrassed to ask what they are. Now I know! And, they look hard.


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